01 Apr 2024

Exposition « Architecture simple : La Villa Baizeau de Le Corbusier & Jeanneret à Carthage »

Initiated by La Boîte and architect Chacha Atallah at Espace 32bis, this art/architecture exhibition focuses on La Villa Baizeau, a villa designed by Franco-Swiss architect Le Corbusier (17 of whose works are listed as Unesco World Heritage Sites), and commissioned by Lucien Baizeau, a French entrepreneur who settled in Tunisia after the protectorate. 

Built between 1928 and 1930, the villa is Le Corbusier's only architectural project in Africa.

Nationalized at independence for its proximity to the new Tunisian presidential palace.

Inaccessible, with a few exceptions (architects, academics), the villa is of great interest to architecture and Le Corbusier enthusiasts. The only way to visit it is through this exhibition.

A guided tour was organized by La Boîte on Friday, April 5, 2024.

To find out more, visit https://www.expositionvillabaizeau.com/

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21 Jul 2020

Workshop « De L’improvisation À La Composition » Elma Riza

In this workshop, from visual composition to improvisation, we explore possible strategies to create an installation or performance with limited resources.

22 Jul 2020


This workshop was an opportunity to start creating material on the theme of residence: Garden